Sunday 21 June 2015

Sports Luxe

Here’s a question: when it comes to working out, can fashion and sports be combined? As in, when killing yourself on the treadmill, is it possible to look ‘stylish’ too? Now, if someone had asked me this a few months ago my answer would have been a resounding NO. Sweatiness + out of breath- ness = not the best recipe for looking stylish. Moreover, there is the pressing issue of practicality. Tight denim shorts might look great when casually strolling the streets but doing the downward facing dog (sounds wrong, it’s a core yoga move) would probably cause them to split.
Tudor sports gear anyone?
Image: nextbyathena
Thus, my thoughts were that working out had to mean the same old – vest top and black legging ¾’s. Don’t get me wrong – this is exactly my go to when heading out running. But as I was browsing online with the aim of buying some new gear last week, I was absolutely shocked at the sheer variety of sports gear out there – sports gear that LOOKS stylish in its own right. 
 Flicking through women's Health magazine - a spread that wouldn't seem out of place in Elle
Neon sports tops – once plain – are now available come in some brilliant printed designs. AT LAST there are some fabulous slouchy joggers available which have such a fantastic fit that you needn’t worry about the dreaded ‘slob look’. And when it comes to trainers – don’t get me started! Once only in black and white and perhaps blue (or a combination of all three) they are available in virtually every colour under the sun. There are even some glittering beauties out there that could take you from the gym to the club – literally.  
Marc Jacobs trainers. Nope, you're not dreaming.
It would be a bit far to say that sports gear has suddenly been ‘made’ fashionable and should be positioned on the catwalk rather than the treadmill. Having said this, recent years have seen a number of catwalk designers using sportswear as their inspiration and conversely top model Karie Kloss has even been used in Nike adverts. 

What is clear is that with more of us exercising than ever – and often wearing the gear throughout the day or to nip to the shops - there has been an increased push for sportswear to be both practical AND look stylish. Once an irreconcilable combination, working out and wearing clothes that are comfortable but also look chic is a real possibility. 

Now you really can have your cake and eat it (hey, you’ll be at the gym tomorrow!)
Image: Pininterest

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