Fashion does not exist in a vacuum

This blog mixes fashion with lifestyle, discussing big fashion topics from 'power dressing' to the golden rules of laundry. It gives tips and tricks on what to wear in different situations - be that a city break, date or night out. I try to draw on personal experience wherever possible as connecting with you is important to me. 

After all, ‘fashion’ is not something arbitrary. It's not isolated, even if the term itself is often used on its own. Throughout history, clothes have always played an important part in everyday life. Deciding what to wear is influenced by just so many factors: the weather, the occasion, the time of day, the people you're with, the venue, the event, even the mood you’re in! Following fashion or setting your own trends is a part of life. 

Whether it’s about making a statement or feeling confident in the workplace, clothes are more than just fabric to be worn.

Why fashion?

As a child, I grew up reading Vogue and watching London Fashion Week. On joining Oxford university, I became Fashion Editor for Cherwell, the university newspaper. I was involved in the last three seasons of Oxford Fashion Week. 

Most recently, I worked at British retailer Jack Wills. 

Whilst at university, I  also spent time as the Fashion Broadcasting Editor for the newspaper. This included talking to students on the street and collecting opinions on various trends. It was great fun, but what struck me most was just how shy people were to give their opinions on fashion. One girl, before being filmed, asked if her opinion on lacy crop tops was ‘the right answer' (the answer was, of course, there wasn't one!)

So that’s what Fashion Kazoo is: a straight talking blog which positions fashion within life, as something that you can relate to, learn from and enjoy.

Nothing here is prescriptive - some pieces you might take with a pinch of salt while others you'll hopefully find helpful!

Niluka x

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