Sunday, 21 January 2018

January blues? Try this

Image: yourmovemagazine
It's that time of the year. The joy of Christmas has long gone, the fresh start of New Year wearing off. We've read many an article about how to perk yourself up during the arguably dreariest month of the year - but what about the idea that clothes can too?

It's not as crazy as you might think.

Consider it. When you are looking your best and wearing an outfit that makes you feel good, your mood is lifted too. Just like a new hair-cut boosts your confidence (provided it's what you want!) so  too can the clothes you wear. And it's not just a case of going out and spending a fortune on a brand new wardrobe.

Wearing bright colours - especially yellow - is a subconscious mood lifter. When it's grey outside, why make yourself feel even more gloomy by wearing grey? Fight against the urge and wear a bright colour that'll pick you up instead. Block coloured jumpers in reds, blues and yellows do the trick.

Image: Pinterest
Likewise, I find wearing my heeled boots is an automatic mood booster. I feel taller, walk with more purpose and have a spring in my step - quite literally. As Marilyn Monroe once said, give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world. She had a point.

Then there's the joy in getting ready to go out. Try wearing a new dress you wouldn't normally - or something a bit different like a tailored jumpsuit. The feeling of experimenting with a new look can be really empowering. Just what we need in the midst of January blues.

And invest in some new sportswear. We all know that exercise is in itself an amazing way of boosting your serotonin levels, but wearing athleisurewear that makes you feel strong and sexy can enhance this effect. Lululemon, Sweaty Betty and Victoria Secret are my favourites - and all offer discounts at this time of the year.

Image: Pinterest
Truth is, it's all too easy to wear the same thing all day every day, or the same 'go-to' dress on nights out. Trust me, I have my safe options too. But experimenting a little, trying new things or simply buying that new top you've had your eye on for ages, is one way to lift your mood.

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