Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Going out? Read this first

Going out is one of the pleasures of life. So is getting ready. There's nothing better than glamming up, with your girl-pals, over a glass of wine. Trust me, sometimes I prefer this to the night itself! Okay, not completely, but it certainly does set the mood for the night. 

But it can also be stressful. Outfit malfunctions are the biggest cause of being late. (Source: Friends of Niluka). To take the stress out of getting ready - whatever and wherever you might be going - read on.

Image: 8tracks
1. Plan your outfit the day before - or at least in the morning 

There's nothing worse than trying to haphazardly piece together an outfit when you have sub 1 hour to spare. Rushing is just not ideal in a situation when you want to look your best. Sure, have a couple of options in mind, but don't leave it all to the last minute.

2. Do an underwear check

If your dress/top is low cut and might reveal a flash of underwear - have you decided what bra will go? If you have a halterneck, do you have a strapless bra at hand? Is it better to ditch the bra altogether?! Be sure to consider all options when getting ready.

3. And a weather check, of course 

Image: HackneyGazette
Yes, your outfit is fab. But standing in a queue when temperatures are sub 5C is not. Not matter how good you look, shivering and moaning is not the best #ootd. If you know you might end up outside for a bit, or have to walk, then always take a coat. The cloak room fee is totally worth it.

4. Pack your bag before you start getting ready 

Hands up who has ever forgotten their ID before? Yep, me too. Frantically trying to chuck your card, money, ID, make-up and phone into your bag, just as you are about to leave, is a recipe for disaster. Having learnt from experience, I now get my clutch ready before the evening. No stress added.

5. Consider the accessories 

Image: Pinterest
An outfit can be made by a necklace or pair of earrings. Be sure to factor in an extra 5-10 minutes to experiment with jewellery when you're dressed. Sometimes, nothing may be needed (e.g a fussy dress that can do the talking by itself) but often, a piece of jewellery will bring an outfit together.

6. Consult your trusted forces

Asking someone for their opinion on your outfit is the perfect sense check. If you have your label  sticking out, or your outfit is too under/over dressed for the occasion, your friend will probably tell you. It'll also give you a boost of confidence to go and have a bloody good time. Cheers to that.

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