Saturday, 23 September 2017

Online or Offline? That is the question

It's 2017 and E-commerce (the fancy name for online shopping) has never been bigger. Major retailers cannot survive the High Street without investing in an online platform for customers to purchase orders. On top of that, we're surrounded by digital marketing campaigns utilising social media, online advertising and emails. The question on many lips - will the High Street survive? 

My own opinion is yes. Why? Because although pretty much everything can be bought online there are some things worth buying offline. For certain (often trickier) items, going into a shop has major merits.

Here are the ones to watch out for.

J is for Jeans

Jeans are the staple of all wardrobe staples. It's something you can't afford to get wrong. 90% of people are unlikely to buy the very first pair of jeans they try on - normally it takes a few shops and a few styles to get the right one. Those with longer than normal legs find this especially hard (why does Zara not have a Tall range please?!) Can you imagine doing all this online? A whole lot of returns and stress that can be avoided.

S is for Suits 

This one applies to men too. The fit, fall and general look of a suit cannot be predicted from ordering online. The model is not you and though sizing guides are normally OK for most things, blazers and suited wear are often a hit and miss. Cut the hassle and go into store. Added bonus: you can mix and match different shades and styles while there.

B is for Bras

Balcony, T-shirt, Plunge.....there are so many bra styles out there. The phrase 'try before you buy' definitely applies to this one. Size 32C or 36E in one store can be very different to another retailer. To be direct, ladies's er bits, are all different, meaning it often requires a lot of trial and error to get the right bra that fits you. Also applies to bikinis.

H is for Heels 

Blisters are a part of life. But the chance of getting them can be dramatically reduced by purchasing a pair in store, where you have the luxury of trying on 100+ pairs and choosing the one that not only looks best (as you would online) but feels best too. Amen.


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