Sunday, 12 March 2017

Sneak peek: What I carry in my bag

Image: sketchedoutfiles
The other day someone chuckled about my stuffed handbag, to which I replied 'yes I am the new Mary Poppins'. Needless to say, I never pack light - never have really. If I could, I would bring far more with me, but over the years you learn to cut back (for the sake of your shoulder more than anything else).

With that in mind, these are the essentials I still carry with me, whenever I head out:

- A water bottle. Key to staying hydrated, especially when on the move and travelling for long periods of time. Bottled water is hard to find on the go so I always make sure to fill mine up before leaving the house.

- Safety pins. A must! You never know when you might need one - a  missing shirt button, a top that needs taking in - these work wonders even in the most awkward of style moments.

- Lipbalm. My beauty essential since the age of 10. Right now, my favourite is the Nivea Vanilla and  Macadamia flavour, the closest thing to dessert a lipbalm gets.

- Card, travel ticket, keys and all that fun (less) stuff.

- Scarf. If I'm not wearing one, I'm carrying one. A style hack is to tie the scarf around your handbag. Not only does this add a touch of colour and decoration to your bag, it also leaves more room inside (bonus).

- Mirror. Because even the most perfect make-up needs checking.

- Plasters. Not just for accidents but for that horrible rub on your ankle when wearing new shoes. Answer = fresh plasters throughout the day.

- Hand sanitiser. A revolutionary invention. It dries within 10 seconds, no soap and water needed. Especially handy for when you're about to eat out.

- The latest magazine. Typically a London based one (Time Out, ES magazine) or Glamour, my favourite women's glossy. Great for getting fashion inspo whilst zoning out the rush-hour commute.

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