Tuesday 26 July 2016

The Great British Clearout

Summer. The time when we live in our favourite pair of shorts and an incessant amount of vests. The time when most of us take a minimalist approach to dressing (cooler and fuss free - v important given the recent heat wave).

For me, it's also that time of the year when I finally accept that I really *must* sort out my wardrobe.

That top I bought three years ago and wore once to my cousin's christening? It must go. That 12-13 year old vest that used to be my favourite thing ever but no longer fits my boobs? It must go. Also added to the list - a dress too short and a green dressing gown that I wouldn't even let the postman see.

But that's the thing, isn't it? We love hoarding! Even when we know we should move on! To throw out something - even to sell it, or give it to a friend - feels like letting go of a treasure in a treasure chest. 'Oh you never know', becomes the default attitude. I can't count the number of times I have tried to justify keeping an item of clothing even though it hasn't been worn in 5 years.

Well, time to put things to an end. This summer, it's time to get ruthless. Here's a checklist of criteria for things that must go. For those of you with similar problems, maybe it will help. (No excuses, right?)

  1. Shorts that are just too revealing. Or skirts for that matter. There's short and then there's too short.
  2. One of your many garments that look identical. Not even the queen needs 4 navy jumpers. 
  3.  Any item of clothing over 2 inches too big or 2 inches too small. Unless it's intended to be oversized/baggy.
  4. Any item of clothing only worn once and that you promise you will wear again, but still haven't.
  5. That itchy top/trousers/underwear which makes you squirm just by the thought of wearing it.
  6. Stubbon stained clothes. No thanks.
  7. Out of date clothes that make you look like you've travelled back to the 60s (and not in a good way).
  8. Anything that was bought on an impulse buy and you have forever regretted since.
  9. Anything with missing buttons. 
  10. Clothes that just don't suit you. Adorable though they look on the hanger, they do actually need to be worn...
Sigh. Let the clearout begin!
Image: media.licdn

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