Tuesday 23 February 2016

Shopping online - what you need to know

Sometimes, you have to make mistakes to truly learn something. If only that wasn't the case, hey. The recent shopping disaster I had (see Shopping online: a woeful story) has done exactly that. A few important lessons were learnt - or rather, painfully remembered - for next time I decide to click 'add to basket'...

To help prevent you making the same mistakes, here are 5 essential tips for stress-free online shopping.

1. Whatever you do, don't take sizing at face value.
If you're petite, size 'small' is small right? If you're usually a medium, surely you'll be fine ordering a size 12 or 14? Wrong. Sizing does not equate to what we're used to 'normally'. This is true when shopping generally - it has been proven that sizing in high street shops can differ by up to 3 inches depending on where you go. But when ordering online, the matter becomes worse since you can't physically see the item, or indeed try it on.

The solution? Always check what a a size S/M/L actually means in inches or centimetres. Get out your measuring tape. Likewise size 6,8,10,12 etc.

It will save you the stress of when your dress arrives and you look like Nelly the Elephant in a bin bag.

2. Do your research before clicking 'proceed to check out'
Image: Blackballononline
Okay. Bit of an obvious one this. But when lured by '70% off all items' deals (as I was) we can often forget the need to check out the company. How long have they been going for? What are people saying about them on-line? What's the quality like of the clothing? Do your homework and you won't be left with below-par items that make you wish you had invested elsewhere.

3. And check the return T&C - always

In the event that you do need to return items, you want this to be as easy and cheap as possible. If ordering from the UK, be especially wary of global companies that only have a warehouse in America or China. If the shipping isn't free, the cost is likely to be high. Especially if you order 3kg of clothes as I did (never again). ASOS are the winner when it comes to this, offering free delivery and providing all the details you need within the package itself.

So, check online or call up about returns before you order. Even if you're sure you won't want to return that gorgeous dress, the peace of mind you get from checking before is priceless (in some cases, literally).

4. Ask yourself: would you buy in store?
At times, the ease of clicking 'add to basket' for anything that catches our eye can be, well, all too easy. Especially when items are reduced 'for a limited time only' and when we see the flashing label 'stock low'. Cue sub-concious panic that we should get it - or miss out.

But before thinking this, ask yourself one thing: if you saw it in store, at the full price, would you still consider buying it? If the answer is a definite no, chances are you don't really like it.

5, And finally: compare 

Sometimes, shopping on-line has its advantages. Found a red clutch bag handbag? The internet allows you to easily compare if there's a nicer one out there, or one where you can get more bang for your buck. Shopstyle is amazing for this, allowing you to search for uber-specific items and compare them, all at a glance.

Warning: chronic procrastination may proceed.

Image: viktorialove

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