Sunday 30 September 2018

Brunching - a stylists view

Oh brunch. Are you even a millennial if you don't brunch? Bottomless brunches, pancake brunches, 'healthy' brunches, four-hour brunches....the list is endless. As will be your appetite. You could even go so far to say that brunch has displaced the afternoon tea - starting earlier and with the potential to last longer.

But what do you wear to such an affair? Here are four key pointers.

Image: Pinterest

Repeat after me, the looser the better 

Yes. If there's ever an occasion to feast this is it (bar Christmas, where eating becomes a full-time hobby). That means goodbye to your tight pants and your skin-tight leotards. Save them for the club, or when the only thing passing your lips is liquid. From first hand experience, anything with no breathing room will be instantly regrettable. Instead, opt for full-skirts and loose dresses. Perfect for hiding that inevitable food baby.

Pick your top carefully 

If millennials brunch, they also gram. When you're sat down, that means only half of you will make the cut, as you order your friend to take that perfect Insta photo #girlswhobrunch #basic. Opt for a pretty top and some light-touch jewellery. Or, if you really want to let your food do the talking, keep things understated with a plain white or black top. Matching your outfit to your food? Now that's a step too far. Though in ten years time?

Don't wear your best 

Now, we know you want to look good for your gram, for your company and for your food. But wearing that expensive dress is never a good idea when golden syrup/prosecco/[insert other brunch staple] risks spilling over you. It's just not worth the stress when your main focus should be the food - not avoiding the food's contact with your clothes. So leave that designer jumper alone and go care-free.

But do wear a layer 

What's more cute than girl + pancakes + cardigan draped around shoulders? A puppy, maybe. Layers will also ensure you stay warm whatever the venue temperature throws at you. The worse is feeling chilly in places where the air-con is full blast (we've all been there).

So that's that. Not much else really except a) be sure to scour that menu 100 times b) order at least 4 glasses of prosescco and/or tomato juice and c) only leave when your belly is fully satisfied. Hear hear.

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