Sunday, 17 June 2018

No time, no problem

We have all been there. You are ridiculosuly comfy in your bed, enjoying the satisfaction of a few hours rest while watching the latest on Netflix (or LoveIsland, if that's your thing). You are fully aware that you have a night out later and time is ticking. But boy is your bed comfy and the thought of making an effort to get ready is, well, effort.

This happened to me last night. However, when you have less time than you would like (even if through choice!) there are some nifty ways of cutting corners.

Firstly, thank the inventors of dry shampoo. Yes. Washing hair takes time - as does the blow dry and styling that comes with it. Save a good 20 minutes by spritzing some dry shampoo through your roots instead. There are so many varieties out there - includidng perfumed and volume-added ones - that the possiblities are #endless.

Secondly, make a 5 minute stir-fry. Short of time does not mean short of dinner. Whip up some stir-fry vegetables, ready-cooked meat or tofu, sauce, and damn you are done. Unfortunatly this will never be a food blog (sorry mum) BUT this recipe will tick the box when it comes to getting ready in DAMN QUICK time. And that's all that matters right?

Also, choose the outfit that is tried and tested. Now is not the time to be experimenting or calling your friends for their opinion. Stick to your guns and go for the outfit you know will work. For most women, this tends to be a fitted black dress. Always flattering, it'll never let you down. Alternatively if you have planned ahead of time, then getting ready in a rush is altogether less stressful because you already know exactly what you're wearing.

Another thing that works is ditching the fancy eye-shadow and make-up. Unless you are the next top make-up artist, a smokey eye (for example) really does take time to do. And rushing it could risk a black-eye look. Or mirroring the scene in Bridget Jones where she ends up putting her make-up on in the car. Hilarious to watch, less hilarious in real life.

And finally - set a timer to actually leave. Or rather, 10 minutes before you need to leave. During this time: shoes on, baththroom stop, bag-check and an obliged Insta pic. Oh, to be a millennial these days.....

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

A perfect picnic

Balmy, warm evenings call for something rather delightful. Long and lazy picnics until the sun sets - which these days is around 9pm. Happy (long) days. Whereas once all I wanted to do in the evening was hibernate in a dressing gown and wonder if I was dying from vitamin D deficiency, now, an evening spent in the park with strawberries and food is actually a viable option.

Image: pinterest

When having a picnic, I always wear a dress of some sort. Picnics are made for pretty dresses (as are garden parties). Think floral dresses or a cute denim ones. Just ensure it's loose and comfy. One thing I've realised is sitting on the grass means that super short or fitted things spoil the fun of a picnic. And who wants to be uncomfortable after all.

Speaking of sitting on the grass. Be sure to bring a blanket with you! Freshly mown grass may smell delightful, but stuck to your dress....less so.... Failing a blanket, you could always drape a scarf around you and then multi-task it for the purposes of the picnic. Though of course you will need to wash it after - and preferably use a darker colour to avoid any grass stains.

What else? Well, sandals are a must. Because you want to take your shoes off for full picnic liberation. I love digging my bare feet into the grass. You know when people talk about 'the simple things in life'? I genuinely think this is one. Painted toe-nails and/or ankle bracelets gain extra picnic points.

Image: pinterest

Now to get down to business. Ensure you bring a large-enough handbag/bucket bag/oversized bag in order to pick up your food and drink on the way. Preferably get your friends to do the same, so you can share the load. A plastic Tesco carrier bag doesn't quite have the same effect, nor will withstand however many bottles of prossecco you decide to bring...

Oh and, depending on the destination, be sure to pack suncream (!) A lazy evening picnic may be deceiving given the sun is going down, but trust me you can still tan (or burn). And a picnic - no matter how perfect - is never worth the red look.

The only thing now is to decide what park to picnic in. Well that, dear reader, I leave to you.