2017 marked the year that slogan tops made a comeback. They have always been around, but recently we've seen them sky-rocket to the heights of fashion. Whilst once having a reputation for being crude and a bit 'young' (think t-shirts with
I heart One Direction on them), they've had a re-vamping. The spring/summer 2017 shows had models parade down the catwalk in t-shirts adorned with witty, feminist and even controversial slogans.
But getting the right slogan top can be trickier than you think. Here are the ground rules.
Image: harpersbazaaruk |
1. Short and sweet works best
Let's remember, a slogan is there to be read. And not everyone can read quickly - nor wants to be staring endlessly at your chest for that matter. Stick to a statement of a few words, rather than a convoluted sentence.
2. Wear political statements at your own risk
Unless you're ready to get into a heated discussion - and have some strong points to win the argument - avoid slogan t-shirts with political or religious views. Pick carefully. A T-shirt with 'I am Feminist', is very different to one stating 'God's not real', which is likely to cause offence.
3. If you choose a brand, make sure it's one you genuinely love
Only wear brands and labels across your top if you
genuinely like them and what they stand for. You pretty much become a brand ambassador by wearing a top with a clothing label, so choose wisely.
Image: cliqueimg.com |
4. Positive vibes only
No one wants to be faced with someone wearing a depressing slogan across their top. Morning commutes are already grim - not least if you're sat opposite someone with 'what is life?' scribbled across them. You might feel edgy and contemplative wearing one, but best to avoid the sombre.
5. Witty to you or everyone?
Okay. Witty statements are probably the hardest to get right - but if done right, they can make an outfit. Do a 'sense' check when buying this type of top. Is it funny to just you or would your friends/colleagues/family find it funny too? If the answer is no to
all of them, leave it on the shelf to avoid comic disappointment.
Image: Pinterest |
6. Don't forget aesthetics
Slogan tops need to look good as well as have a punchy line. If the colours are off, the sizing odd, or the pattern/font just not appealing, don't buy it simply because you like the statement. You have to wear it remember.
7. Style it right
Which brings us to the final point. Styling. Try to keep the top on show, rather than have it covered (defeating the point of having a slogan in the first place). Simply tuck into jeans or high-waisted shorts and let it do the talking. Literally.
Image: wheretoget |